
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Face like the Full Moon in a Matter of Few Days

Ubqari Magazine - July 2016

I had some such cases as well who had preferred the parlours to their grannys tips. The parlours wasted their money, time and health as well as they were molested but still were unable to acquire an atom of beauty and handsomeness that they had desired.

[Dear readers! I always bring forward precious pearls of knowledge & wisdom for you and never tend to hide them. You should also be generous and share yours too. (Editor Hakeem Muhammed Tariq Mahmood Majzoobi Chughtai]

The search for being beautiful is centuries old. Everyone desires to look beautiful and it is one of the blessings of Almighty and has been mentioned a number of times in Quran and Hadith equally that the people of paradise will be blessed with it. The same beauty if reflected in character and nature then becomes a source of attraction for the allowed intimates (Maharim), and then this is no less than worth a world. I have dealt with so many cases that the women got divorced just because when they had to go out to do shopping, then they would wear special makeups but when they had to stay at home, they would remain dirty and looked so ugly. It is not so. The beauty is just for your own intimates (Mahram). Believe me that there have been a number of families where the divorces were avoided when the husbands or wives were urged to take care of their appearance. There are millions of men who think that remaining dirty and careless of their appearance and dressing is just because of their simplicity. In other words, being dirty and unclean has been taken as the other name of simplicity.  Islam urges simplicity but leaves no room for remaining filthy. The husband should take care of himself for his wife’s sake while the wife should take care of herself for her husband’s sake. You may wear an old dress but it should be clean. Dear readers! Today I am sharing with you such a tip which seems very cheap but work wonders where even the expensive creams and lotions are useless. Even the loads of multivits are unable to cure you then you should revert to nature and you will always feel healed as soon as you come close to it. The Mother Nature has never disappointed anyone and it has been the best companion of humanity. You should try this formula with full confidence and then witness its wonders. Your health will reflect from your shining face and you will be amazed to look at yourself. I shared this formula with thousands of such people who had already tried all the scientific tips and artificial medicines but were unable to see a trace of improvement. When they tried this tip and used the formula then they had unimaginable results that they could not even believe.

As mentioned earlier that there are hundreds of families which could avoid the divorces just because of this tip. The root cause of divorce was the lack of beauty and handsomeness and when they used this treatment for a little while then their health became so wonderful like the day when they were married although it was years ago. There were also some patients who had scars on their face, acnes and paleness after long periods of illness as well as those having anaemia or had turned weak due to old age and the aging phenomenon became evident from their faces. They were all benefitted greatly from this tip. Rest assured that this formula is a perfect remedy for enhancing the facial beauty and for acquiring a fresh complexion. Let me reveal this formula to you.

ھو الشافی: take the mellow of Aloe Vera and mix in it the equivalent amount of Margosa (Neem Tree) leaves and blend them in a mixer. Soon you will have a paste of both of these items. Keep the paste refrigerated and apply this mixture smoothly on your face while going to bed. The nature has hidden some miraculous benefits in it.

  1. 1.      It removes the facial dark spots.
  2. 2.      All scars and marks are just gone.
  3. 3.      The acnes with or without puss would become a history.
  4. 4.      The dark spots and dents on the face would be all gone after a few months’ regular use.
  5. 5.      This paste especially works for those people who have desperately tried all the chemical creams/lotions.

Let us turn towards the Mother Nature which always calls us to itself but we turn deaf to its call and go away from it to artificialities which show little results for a brief interval and then end up in permanent calamities and ailments. You can store this paste for a few days in the fridge otherwise you can prepare fresh every time although the fresh one will be more beneficial. I had some such cases as well who had preferred the parlours to their granny’s tips. The parlours wasted their money, time and health as well as they were molested but still were unable to acquire an atom of beauty and handsomeness that they had desired but the same people when tried this simple paste then they were amazed to see that the unwanted hairs on their faces also disappeared and the face became as fresh as a rose. The complexion becomes shiny and lovely. Let us turn towards the nature and adopt the natural remedies. The last word: It is in our nature that the more expensive an item is, the more worthwhile it is in our eyes while the cheap things are seldom taken care of. This tip seems tiny and cheap but has loads of benefit hidden in it. This wonderful tip has been sent to me by an Ubqari reader.

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